Home FASHION/BEAUTY Shake that Brass

Shake that Brass



It’s unfortunate that you cannot keep beat to save your soul, regardless of how many Bud Lights you consume. Don’t fret — everyone around you thinks they can dance too.

shoptalkApr2016And as long as you look good, no one will notice. ALG Style will not be able to teach you how to bust a move, but we can assist in dressing you in fantastic festival frocks. This year’s festival and spring fashion line-up are going to make you want to rock, roll and rave until you cannot see straight.

Thanks to Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat,and the celebrity infused faux-festival Coachella, our local festivals have turned into a fashion show. The outer track at Jazz Fest is a Mecca for stylish selfie-taking fashionistas, and the outfits inside of the Gospel and Jazz tents rival those of New York Fashion Week.

Get Stoned
Spring 2016 rocks and rolls with styles and trends that are ideal for our NOLA climate and perfect for festival ensembles. ALG Style is also thrilled to announce the hip new boutique in the South Market District of downtown New Orleans. Nestled amongst equally chic restaurants, boutiques, fitness clubs and the always on-trend Hattie Sparks boutique, Stonefree Boutique is the new go-to stop for all your spring/summer event outfits. Although well-appointed, the boutique seems effortlessly chic, from the sexy bohemian dresses to the worn rugs that are nonchalantly scattered on the floor.

We had a moment to catch up with Megan Koch, the owner of Stonefree, for a quick Q&A about her sweet new boutique. Koch is originally from St. Louis with a fashion and retail résumé spanning from Los Angeles to Dallas, and she finally landed in New Orleans. Stonefree opened its doors about 10 months ago and Koch has been enjoying the chaotic ride. South Market District is quickly becoming known as the see-and-be-seen place to be in NOLA. “The community and businesses down here are growing daily,” Koch says. “And we are thrilled to be a part of it.”

Like ALG Style, Stonefree is ecstatic about this year’s spring fashions and coordinating these must-have styles with festival season. Trends to look for this spring/summer are off-the-shoulder tops, subtle leather and suedes in pastels, more fringe and denim. Thankfully, 2016 focuses on simplicity and ease, which is the only way to survive our hot and sticky days, especially at French Quarter Fest and Jazz Fest. “My own ensembles are all about comfort, especially at Jazz Fest, where it is as much about the food as it is about the music,” Koch says. “I keep it loose and breezy; I do not want to be reminded I went for that third bowl of Crawfish Monica.”

Like a Girl Scout
Not only is Koch a smart buyer, but she is a seasoned Jazz Fester. She and her family travel from all over to celebrate Jazz Fest, and she has to be prepared. She suggests a cute hat by Brixton, a flowing maxi by Jet Set Dairies or some denim cut-offs by One Teaspoon, all carried at Stonefree. Additionally, although not particularly stylish and sexy (yet extremely important), in her bag are sunscreen and hand sanitizer. “An insider tip is a Cooler Backpack by Intracoastal Outfitters,” she says. This purchase, made by her boyfriend, was a “game changer” for Koch.

Stonefree is a wonderful respite in the middle of downtown. Koch welcomes you with a glass of wine and a relaxing atmosphere. Even if you are not headed out to shake what your momma gave you at Wednesday at the Square or any festival du jour, you can find great denim and accessories to make you feel like you should. Take a walk and a field trip to the South Market District, and visit Stonefree to find all your summer staples.

Happy shopping, happy festival and boogie your bum off!

–Aimée Gowland and Corrie Pellerin, ALG Style