It’s a Gift


A new boutique on Magazine Street is packed full of gift-worthy merchandise.


shoptalkdec2016So holiday season has been forced down your throat since sometime before Halloween. You literally were polishing off the last bit of the kid’s candy stash, while being forced to listen to holiday tunes in every coffee shop, retail chain and grocery store. For heaven’s sakes people, give a girl a moment before she starts freaking out about what to get the parents again this year. It’s only Dec. 1, and you are hoping grandma will get run over by a reindeer and the elf will fall off the shelf. Don’t turn into the Grinch just yet — here are some helpful tips to get through holiday season.

Never Enough Time or Tinsel

ALG Style loves giving gifts. We sometimes get so excited finding the perfect present that we end up buying ourselves one as well; this is a very expensive occupational hazard. Sadly, December days get frantic, and our calendars are packed with parties and events, and that leaves no time to get creative and thoughtful gifts for all the people on our list who deserve a token of our gratitude. Fortunately, as if calculated by Santa’s elves, The Elizabeth Chronicles recently opened its first brick and mortar location on Magazine Street.

TEC in its original form started as a t-shirt company catering to college football and Saint’s fans, and selling locally themed t-shirts. The brand then branched out into knick-knacks and home goods. The company had a huge e-tail presence, and its merchandise was carried in such posh it-girl shops as Angelique and Hattie Sparks. This new retail concept was an obvious effortless progression. Rachel Elizabeth Adams, owner of TEC, has been buying and merchandising for more than five years. She says that watching her brand grow and seeing her vision come to life has been extremely rewarding. Adams describes the TEC girl/muse as “a fashion loving, quirky girl, who is ready to rule the world!” The store is so welcoming with its blush colored walls and airy space that you will want to come in and shop, but then hang for a while and sip all things bubbly.

One and Done

TEC knows the stress of the holidays — for heaven’s sake, it’s a retail store! Lucky for shoppers, TEC has an amazing collection of gifts at every price point. “Whether you need a small something for a party or an extra special goody for your bestie, we will carry it,” Adams says. In addition to being a one-stop shop for all your gift-giving needs, TEC can also outfit you in the festive frocks for all of your holiday shindigs. From stylish dresses to shiny decor, TEC will make you feel like the hostess with the mostest.

The Elves TEC & ALG

Check out our suggestions below for the ideal gift for all those naughty and nice.

Monster-in Law: Chic heavy-knit sweater
Babysitter who takes better care of the kids than you: Ceramic jewelry dish
“Oops, I forgot to get you a gift!”: Rock soap … it’s so pretty people think it’s a rock!
Your BFF that buys you doughnuts and watches you eat them in $100 yoga pants: Shop Bando planner
“Are you my Boo or are we just shacking up?”: Comparte chocolate bar
Hostess who is not the mostest: Interchangeable glitter party banner set
Spin instructor that you curse three times per week: Pavé small mix and match gold studs
Bestie who always lets you proof the image before she tags: Illume candle

Holidays can make you crazy! We hope The Elizabeth Chronicles can help make your month as merry as can be!

The Elizabeth Chronicles
5430 Magazine St.
(504) 571-5258

Happy holidays and happy shopping!

–Aimée Gowland and Corrie Pellerin, ALG Style