Home STYLE SHOP TALK If Ever I Cease to Love

If Ever I Cease to Love


For many, the month of February brings on
romantic fantasies of mystical nude cherubs with
sharp objects or boxes of confectioner’s hearts
labeled with false promises. Alas, how I long for
the V-day of yore, where a mixed tape and giant
Mylar heart-shaped balloon from my lettermanjacket-
wearing sweetie would make me shriek in
that annoying high-school-girl pitch. While the
prior scene sounds like a reenactment of a John
Hughes film (God rests his soul), gifts on V-day
should be modest tokens of thoughtfulness to
bestow on those you adore. Whether that person
be a family member, a BFF or your star-crossed
lover, there are plenty of stylish lovey-doveythemed
gifts around town to make even the most
cynical Hallmark hater squeal. From fashionable
chocolates to racy red panties, the following local
shops will gladly help you play Cupid.

A newbie on the NOLA fashion scene, this hot
spot at the end of Carrollton has a well-edited
selection to help you put together the perfect
ensemble for sharing a strawberry freeze at
Camellia Grill two doors over. Two straws for that
shake please!
622 S. Carrollton

House of Lounge and Basics Underneath
These underpinning boutiques are never
underwhelming. The staff is always knowledgeable
and pleasant. If you need an all-inclusive boudoir
ensemble or the essential lacy thong in a rainbow of
hues, these feisty shops should be first on your list.

House of Lounge
2044 Magazine St.

Basics Underneath
5513 Magazine St.

Charmed Boutique
If your BFF deserves some appreciation, Charmed
has precious pressies and all-things-girlie gifts.
Endearing headbands, decadent soaps and lotions
and a bevy of whimsical baubles will make your
support staff feel cherished.
6257 General Diaz St.

Bittersweet Confections
Cheryl Scripter’s treats are a welcome change to
waxy chocolates in a cardboard heart. Her truffles
and other delights are visually stimulating and
tantalizingly tasty. The dried-cherry-and-darkchocolate
almond bark makes me sprint there in
my stilettos!
5331 Canal Blvd.

Little Miss Muffin
In this treasure trove, you’ll find all of your
heart’s desires. There are plenty of goodies for
entertaining, well-priced oversized handbags and
trendy shoes and an impressive amount of sparkly
knickknacks. It’s the perfect assortment for
nothing you need and everything you want.
766 Harrison Ave. 244 Metairie Rd.
482-8200 833-6321

Dirty Coast and Skip n’ Whistle
If your Valentine’s Day calls for a little sarcasm
and irony, then a great gift would be one of the
clever tees from our local graphic gurus. Both
shops have quality T-shirts emblazoned with witty
designs. Their pieces are always funny and fresh,
similar to your fashion-savvy self.
Dirty Coast Skip N’ Whistle
5631 Magazine St. 8123 Oak St.
324-3745 862-5909

No Valentine’s Day
would be complete
with out a
handwritten note.
With two locations,
both near Whole
Foods, you can find
stylish papers and
cards to craft your
own valentine or
choose one from
the exceptionally
5423 Magazine St.

Lakeside Shopping
