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Back to Black (& Gold)


“Feel it comin’ in the air
And the screams from everywhere
I’m addicted to the thrill
It’s a dangerous love affair” – Lyrics from “Run This Town,” by Jay-Z, Ft. Kanye West and Rhianna

shoptalkSPT2014The goose bumps; the hair standing up on the back of your neck; the thump, thump, thump you feel in your heart all the way down to your toes … it’s that time of year again — the moment we have all been waiting for the past eight months — fall fashion has arrived! In all earnestness, during the month of September, my NOLA world marries up beautifully with my fashion world. The city is reverberating with excitement for the upcoming football season and fall/winter clothing has started to arrive at stores across the city.

One of the hottest trends for Fall 2014 is an amalgamation of the sexy hues of black and gold. The juxtaposition of the two shades exudes strength, royalty and opulence. I want desperately to believe that this season the fashion gods were channeling our boys in black in gold. This crazy notion is quite plausible. We all recognize that our city is on the radar for many matters; however, could it be factual that designers were channeling the style and panache of Drew Brees, Sean Payton and Rob Ryan? Coincidence … I think not.

Jersey (Not) Required

Being that our team’s colors are very much on trend, it’s only fitting that we ask our local trendsetters what they might be donning this fall to pay homage to the Saints.

“I love the black and gold trend — it is a classic, power duo that exudes timeless elegance and luxury,” says Sanja Alickovic of Haute Women’s Boutique. Alickovic, like many style mavens, forgoes the boxy team jersey. “For Saints games, my go-to ensemble is a pair of skinny jeans paired with a structured black blazer; the accessories are gold, of course.” Haute Boutique is consistently ahead of the trends and has already received much of its black and gold inventory. “Our most anticipated item for fall is the Mason black and gold cutaway jacket,” Alickovic says. “It has just enough of a shimmer to make it stand out in a sea of black and gold.”

Haute Women’s Boutique
725 Magazine St.
(504) 522-8687

Fashion designer Amanda deLeon is also on point with her fall collection. The stunning pieces for her eponymous line, recently featured in American Art Collector Magazine and photographed by Kenny Morrison, give new meaning to game-day glam. Additionally, deLeon’s &GOLD clothing brand includes sassy items that will score major points with those looking for a wearable glamorous alternative to the pervasive NFL game-day jersey. “If I’m going to be out and about for game day, I usually wear my &GOLD black and gold sequin leggings with a slinky tee and a pair of boots,” deLeon says. “The leggings are a fun way to sport some black and gold without wearing oversized team gear, or looking overly girly.”

Amanda deLeon Clothing
(910) 233-2920

The fun and forever-fashionable owners of Söpö, Britta and Robin Borne, prefer to get more creative with their game-day garb. Although these ladies are intense fans of the Saints, they are not fans of the polyester fabric and the uncomplimentary fit of a Saints’ jersey. Britta once wore a gold bridesmaid’s dress paired with a black top on game day, and she was stopped frequently to receive compliments on the ensemble. Söpö offers seamless substitutions to your typical Sunday fun-day gear. “We are excited to start receiving our fall inventory on time with the start of football season,” Robin says. “Color combinations of mustard [and] black, as well as black and gold metallic, are a big look for this year.”

629 N. Carrollton Ave.
(504) 609-2429

Game on NOLA! Your very fashionable Saints’ season is here. Go crush it, and go shopping!