What Does New Orleans Living Mean to You?
The food. The music. The architecture. The people. We all have our own reasons why we love living in New Orleans. But what does New Orleans living mean to you?
New Orleans Living magazine is hosting a contest to find out just that. Submit a creative piece in the medium of your choice that captures your love for the Crescent City. Whether it be a photograph, poem, short essay or video, we want you to share your joy and enthusiasm with us. Post your entry to the New Orleans Living Facebook wall, and then tell your friends, family & co-workers to “like” your post. The two posts with the most “likes” will each win a $100 gift certificate to ONE Restaurant & Lounge. At noon Wednesday, May 2nd, all “likes” on the entries will be counted and the two winners will be announced shortly thereafter on the New Orleans Living Facebook page, facebook.com/NewOrleansLivingMagazine.
Text-based entries in the form of a wall post should be limited to 1,000 characters or less per Facebook.com’s guidelines. Links to videos can either be uploaded or linked to an outside site such as YouTube.com or Vimeo.com. We reserve the right to delete material that is unlawful, malicious, or discriminatory in nature, or violates the Facebook.com Terms of Service agreement.
Entries will not become the property of New Orleans Living magazine, but by submitting your work, you grant us permission to use it in any and all marketing and/or promotion in conjunction with this contest. Entrant also grants us permission to share the entry in all outlets of social media, including but not limited to Facebook and Twitter. By submitting an entry, the entrant agrees that he/she owns all intellectual rights to said entry, the piece has not been previously published for commercial use, and is not infringing on another’s work or property rights or copyright. In the case of a three-way tie, the first two entries submitted will be designated as winning entries. Questions regarding the contest should be sent to [email protected].