Home HEALTH DOCTOR PROFILES Christina L. Goodridge, MD

Christina L. Goodridge, MD


Obstetrics and gynecology are family legacies for Dr. Christina Goodridge. ChristinaGoodridgeMD“My father is an OBGYN physician,” she explained, “so I’ve been exposed to the field my whole life.” Growing up, Dr. Goodridge worked in her father’s office, eventually performing every non-medical position. Her dedication to OBGYN never wavered, even during medical school and residency, when she was exposed to the different disciplines within medicine. “I always felt like OBGYN was the only specialty that provided the variety I craved: primary care, surgery and deliveries.”
What brought you to New Orleans?
I am originally from Maryland and I went to medical school at Georgetown. I ended up in New Orleans because of my father’s advice; he always told me that Charity was one of the only hospitals in the country that offered hands-on training in all fields. Whereas at other hospitals, you might see everything, at Charity, you did everything.

What is your average day—if you have one?
I typically perform surgeries in the morning, then visit my patients who have gone into labor, then I’m in the clinic seeing patients with appointments and, of course, I’m back and forth to the hospital to be with my patients in their various stages of labor and delivery.

How do you manage your schedule?
I try to limit deliveries to ten to twelve a month so that I can be present when my patients give birth. I make it a point to come to my own deliveries as much as humanly possible. In clinic, my staff and I are very efficient. I don’t like to keep people waiting, so I have my hand in everything. I’m not afraid to go to the front desk to return phone calls and schedule appointments.

What sort of patients do you see?
Most of my patients are pregnant and relatively young, but I also see menopausal patients and young girls with issues regarding their periods. I’ve been able to build wonderful relationships with my patients; some I have seen for more than a decade. You get to see a family grow and eventually you get to know the whole clan.

What do you like most about your job?
The continuity I have built with my patients. It’s a pleasure and an honor to take care of them through multiple pregnancies and to watch them grow older.

What medical breakthrough has most impacted your practice?
Robotic surgery has been game changing, particularly for cancer surgeries, oophorectomies (removal of the ovaries) and hysterectomies. Patients recover faster from robotic surgery; most are back home within 24 hours. It’s less invasive and doesn’t leave large scars.

What do you like about working for East Jefferson General Hospital?
It’s an excellent hospital with exceptional support services. Patients have access to all kinds of specialists and treatments under one roof. We can handle pretty much anything, and handle it well.

4224 Houma Blvd, Suite 140
Metairie, LA 70006

(504) 888-2080

LSU Charity Hospital, New Orleans, LA

Obstetrics and Gynecology

“I get my patients involved in their care by providing all the information I can and then letting them make their own decisions.”