Home WELLNESS MIND & BODY Mind + Body: June 2016

Mind + Body: June 2016


Dog Bite Prevention: They may be man’s best friend, but any dog can bite under stressful situations.

Golden-Retriever-detailed-imageEven though National Dog Bit Prevention Week was in May, it’s never too late to learn some tips on how to avoid a bite. According to the American Veterinary Medical Foundation, more than 4.5 million people in the United States are bitten by dogs each year. Here are a few top dog bite prevention tips from Erin Askeland, seasoned dog training and behavior expert at Camp Bow Wow.

1.  Know how to identify and manage key warning signs.
•          Lip Licking, Yawning, Wide Eyes and Spiked Fur If a dog is being hugged, tugged on, etc., and begins to emit these warning signs, this is a clear indicator that he/she is now stressed.
•         Growling and Snapping Never try to get a dog to stop growling; we want it to growl, as it lets us know that he/she is uncomfortable. If a dog gets in trouble for growling, it will stop and can immediately go to biting.
•         A Stiff Wagging Tail A dog that is experiencing stress will wag its tail in a stiff manner (a telltale warning sign that it might bite). Look out for a tail that is pointed high and moves even more quickly back and forth.
•         Averting Their Gaze Avoidance behavior indicates that the dog is not comfortable with the particular situation.
•         Cowering or Tail Tucking This behavior indicates that a dog is fearful. It doesn’t mean the dog will bite, but could if the dog’s fear continues to increase.
•         Backing Away or Hiding Whether the dog backs itself into a corner or tries to hide, this is a clear indication that the dog is uncomfortable and trying to escape. It is important to leave dogs that are exhibiting this behavior alone! Allow them to come to you.

2. Never leave a child under 10 years old alone with a dog. This rule must be enforced at all times, no matter how much you trust your four-legged friend. In most cases, children aren’t able to pick up on these warning signs that a dog may bite and can easily get hurt.

3. Always ask, “May I pet your dog?” If there is a dog you or your child wants to touch, ask the pet parent first so they can inform you as to whether or not their pet is comfortable with new people.

4. Never tie up your dog. Dogs that are chained-up in the backyard or any other area are more likely to bite because they can become protective of that particular territory. Also, never approach a dog who is tied up.

5. Never force any interaction on a dog. Hugs in particular are common sources of anxiety that humans love to inflict upon their own dogs but aren’t as well received by them. campbowwow.com
Eat Well, Live Well: A new service delivers organic produce to your doorstep.

We all know that eating well leads to a better lifestyle. And if you haven’t changed up your diet yet, there is no better time than now. Luckily, a new door-to-door service makes things easy. Farmbox Direct offers organic produce and fresh juices via weekly delivery, making sure your fridge is fully stocked with healthy options. All of the fruits and veggies inside the box come directly from organic farms, and you can choose between three different seasonal box sizes that will then be delivered weekly to your doorstep. Even better, you can customize your box by substituting items you like for others you dislike.

Box options include Only Organic, All Natural and Juicing. Each of these three options are available in small, medium or large sized boxes. Prices range from $39 to $65. Inside, you’ll find everything from apples, pears, grapefruit and kiwi to fresh kale, colorful carrots, tomatoes and avocados. You’ll also find quick and easy recipes on the Farmbox Direct website so you can make the most of your fresh produce. farmboxdirect.com

Maria’s Pick — App Savvy: A locally based mobile app simplifies the way you plan your night out.

Recently launched on both the iOS and Android app stores, the New Orleans-based crowdfinding mobile app — dubbed Scenehound — is the first of its kind. By connecting users to the local community, the free app provides a real-time snapshot of the restaurant and bar activity in the area. The way it works is simple: When you arrive at your location, simply check in, and, within 10 seconds, both users and establishments can provide information that will be shared with the rest of the user community. Fun tip: It even shows the girl-to-guy ratios at local bars. By reporting wait times at restaurants, or the activity of a bar, you can plan to either join a crowd or avoid one.

“I love meeting up with friends for happy hour, just to take some of the pressure off of a hectic workweek, and this app allows us to pick the perfect spot to rendezvous,” says Maria Muro, publisher of New Orleans Living. scenehound.com